Reporting mohammad518@

Moderator: CLC Crew

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Joined: 18 Mar 2015, 13:42
Ingame nick: Harley
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Reporting mohammad518@

Post by Harlza24 »

  1. Your LFS nickname: Harley
  2. Your LFS username: Aussie6668
  3. The reported LFS nickname: Max502
  4. The reported LFS username: mohammad518@
  5. URL to the replay / screenshots: i did try and save the reply but when i came to look for it it was gone and when i wanted to save it again the reply apparently wanst being recorded, please ask shed me as he was also rammed in PD
  6. What happened? PD ramming then DC'ed
  7. When in the replay it happened? Please get shed me to save his recording and to upload it
  8. Why is that wrong? it's stated in the server rules not to ram or annoy other users
  9. Any suggestion of resolution? 30 day ban or admin choice
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Re: Reporting mohammad518@

Post by Branduslex »

Been sorted.

Thanks for the report!
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