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CLC and Where it could improve

Posted: 03 Mar 2015, 00:51
by Bravo
Hello guys. As you may have been interested in this post due to the title u may notice CLC should update some stuff.
Here is a brief list I could think that would help.

First of all the Website has not been updated with correct hosters or information regarding thee current CLC admins or who codes.
I think the website is very different to other servers but I love it personally. One thing that could do with revamping is the forums. They are very messy and should have archives for each section with ols invaluable locked posts or old threads.sticky they threads that ned to be seen... for e.g : oval rule explanation.

I think thats one big deal.

Second of all you should create a lfs forums post to update drivers with competitions or events or will help attract new or old players.

Im on myphone soo excuse my grammar or punctuality.
Thats all for today. Ill update this with more soon.
PS : no more find tyres for money and actually host races, couti comps likr who can do most couri jobs for rewards.
Thanks, just trying to get people involved again