9/2/2013 rammed twice

Moderator: CLC Crew

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9/2/2013 rammed twice

Post by zilhaax »

  1. z1ilhaax
  2. zilhaax8585
  3. rhys148
  4. Rhys148
  5. http://abnormal.dl.interia.pl/loooooll.mpr
  6. I think all starts 0:44 I hit me and chased me to damage me more
  7. 00:44
  8. Was told :D ramming is not acceptable
  9. BAN him
  • z1ilhaax
  • zilhaax8585
  • Most Wanted 1
  • nitrojunkies
  • http://abnormal.dl.interia.pl/rammed.png
  • Unable to save replay, when I asked him what was that for ? He replied As Im Not Driving As In Real Life
  • only screenshot
  • I was on Elfs trip and had to pitlane and lost 33 elfs
  • BAN him
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Re: 9/2/2013 rammed twice

Post by nckkinney »

I will let an admin know about this... As far as I can tell Rhys will be banned. But your lack of evidence for most wanted will probably make it hard for him to get banned.
|--Nick Kinney--|
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Re: 9/2/2013 rammed twice

Post by Branduslex »

Hello there,

I'm sorry i wasn't online to assist you during these events,
And i can't see any reason why Rhys148 wouldn't be banned as its a clear case of ramming.

Most Wanted 1 on the other hand will probably be unaffected as the lack of evidence, even though i trust you admins simply can't ban based on that screenshot you provided.

Rhys148 should be banned momentarily, and thank you for your report.

// BraXhn
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