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Posted: 28 Oct 2007, 20:08
by AnyBodyKilla
answer this for me cause i lost on what i should do

Re: Hmmmm

Posted: 28 Oct 2007, 20:11
AnyBodyKilla wrote:answer this for me cause i lost on what i should do

What is the problem :?: :?: lol

Posted: 28 Oct 2007, 20:44
by Chesta
i think u just need to take a break from CLC :)

Posted: 28 Oct 2007, 21:05
by Danielw597
Stay ere mate, it's ya home ;)
You'll only just reget it, do it for us, and yourself :)

All that time, shouldn't just go in a second .. sleep on it if needs be, but please .. don't give up.

Posted: 28 Oct 2007, 21:39
by Chris P
I hope this isn't a cry for attention. If you have a serious issue about something, let us know so we can talk about it and perhaps change something....

Posted: 28 Oct 2007, 22:43
Again, wat is going on:?: y do u want to sell ur S2 license?

Posted: 28 Oct 2007, 22:54
by illegal
First of all, what is your problem, and can we be of any assistance with them? Then, if you have problems in real life, solve them out there. If you have problems with LFS, the LFS community, CLC and its community, or anything assorted - take a few days off from the computer. Relax, try to reconsider what plans you've made in the past and never got around to due to other stuff - they might be acting up in your subconsciousness. Eat healthy, have a bit of wine. Have a relaxing bath. Run around the block a few times. Wonder what is going on in this post's poster's mind. Look at the CLC cruise server's userlist and laugh at all the cocks. See what you can do besides cruising. Listen to loud music, listen to relaxing music. Watch movies that make you laugh, make you piss your sodding pants, movies you've seen 5 times already, and still give you goosebumps.

Posted: 28 Oct 2007, 23:00
by Danielw597
From my knowledge today, he was real mad about all the people on the server ramming him to get "Gold Coins". He did give names on TS, which if i'm not allowed to name them just edit them.. 'The Stig', 'Borg' and 'Brassor', are the main ones that were ramming from what he said, and what many people on TS saw.

Posted: 28 Oct 2007, 23:40
by MaxH
Other: keep on gaming and enjoy the game with other ppl that also enjoy the game. And dont forget: its 'only' a game. Meaning, have fun.

Posted: 29 Oct 2007, 01:04
by skstibi
I know what caused this but I don't want to make the gods mad...

Posted: 29 Oct 2007, 18:20
by AnyBodyKilla
taking break for a few not sure when i come back yet