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Credits and thanks
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Who are we?
- MaxH Founder, Team leader, Website design & author
- JasonJ Programmer, Lead tester, Layout designer
- PassMe Layout designer
- Timbe_ Forum admininstrator
- Dean Server & Website provider
- MilitantPotato Layout designer
- 135i (former 330d) Programmer apprentice & skin maker
Gone but not forgotten...
- MonkOnHotTinRoof Former programmer
- RayFighter Former Project leader & Website Designer
- SyntheticRacer Former website author, co-founder
- Glanzagav
- Razvan
- Sicarius
- Chris P Former PR Manager, Layout designer & Website author
- Bobomoomin Tester
- Adam W Website author
We would like to thank...
- 500servers.com for sponsoring us with servers and support
- LFS Dev team (Scawen Roberts, Eric Bailey, Victor van Vlaardingen) for an awesome game
- Smurfen, AnyBodyKilla, Skstibi, Walkingpie, mjh93sa for the various police skinpack and sirens
- All our fans that stand by us in hard times. We do this in our free time for fun, and its all you that makes this fun!
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